Saturday, August 16, 2008

One Week

At around 8:30 p.m Guatemala time today (16th August) was one week since Dan dropped his body. Ale led us in another beautiful cermemony of light. We talked about toasting with Tequila in his honor (we passed due to some uneasy stomachs). We sat in silence, we prayed, we sang. We encouraged Dan along on his journey. We conversed with one another about life and love, happiness and forgiveness.

Nancy is always recalling Dan-isms of the recent past. She is doing well. Today she talked about how her lungs have healed quickly. The doctor's were impressed. She knows (and stated) that all of the love from her family and friends and their attention towards helping her heal, helped her heal so rapidly. She hasn't even taken a pain pill in over a day!

I can't go into alot of detail until Monday (about this weekend), but we are all doing better. It will take a long time for us all to adjust.

Daniel's thoughts on the plane ride down:
"Comprised in the body is spirit; That which has a name, and that which does not. What we humans call death is really a return to source. The body returns to the earth. The spirit which has no name returns to the infinite (GOD); And the spirit which has a name returns to those of us who have named it."

I thought that was an amazing bit of thought. Daniel, Jessica, Renee and Ale have been writing down thoughts as the days have gone by. I will see if I can incorporate them into future writings.

We (as a family) have debated incorporating the recent events and investigations into this memorial site. We have decided that we will not lead anyone to anything that is negative or that may water the seed of anger. This site is for Dan. It is for us, and you as well. This is a site that will begin to help us heal the aches in our hearts and a site that will help Dan on His way. IT IS WORKING.
