Because today is a holiday, we cannot continue talking with the Guatemalan Gov't in an effort to get Nancy's home/boat back to her. We did wake up to the sounds of festivities in the street and found that today is a fitting celebration to honor the Lady/Virgin of Ascension. We watched the parade with the many bands and a large float of the Virgin Mary. We treated it as one very large funeral procession.
Since we cannot deal with the Gov't until Monday, we decided to try and recuperate for a few days. I will be able to give you the details later after we have dealt with the Gov't on Monday.
The Gov't has captured two people that they think were involved in the attack. There were a total of four or more attackers. Rumor on the street is that the locals in Rio Dulce know who did it, but are afraid to come forward for possibility of being killed. The organization of police down here is quite confusing and they need to re-vamp the system a bit so that locals are not afraid to help solve crimes.
We picked up Dan's ashes today. He is now in a small plastic bag inside a leather pouch inside a small wooden box. Amazing how such a big man can fit into such a small box.
We are enjoying the new photos that friends back home (Jason and Adam?) are putting on the web of Dan. And again, we cannot reiterate how helpful all the messages have been from friends and family back home. YOU are making this process way better for us. Thank you for your Love.