Mom stayed up until 2 am reading emails from friends and family last night. She is enjoying them immensely, as are the rest of us. We have been focused on healing and restorative activities this weekend with many special moments thinking of my dad, enjoying activities that my dad enjoyed, singing and praying, and reflecting on our gratefulness. I am grateful beyond words to have been born into this family with parents that have been so devoted, compassionate, encouraging, and loving. I am grateful to have shared 31 years with my loving father with innumerable memories of exciting adventures, pleasurable and rewarding teamwork activities, quiet times shared, and enjoyable daily living activities together. I am grateful that I always shared my true feelings with my father and verbally shared with him and expressed my love towards him and my respect of him. I am grateful to have no regrets about my interactions with my father and my relationship with my father- I loved him and he loved me. I continue to feel my father's love. I am grateful to have a loving and supportive family, including my mother, brother, husband, extended family and friends. I am grateful to have friends like family caring for our home in Alaska while we are here. Thank you for your love. I am sending you mine.