Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nancy's Strength

Nancy is amazing! Her spirit is so strong. Her energy is coming back and she will hopefully be able to leave the hospital on Thursday to go with Dan to Guatemala City for his cremation. She met with the American Embassy today (in her hospital room) and blew me away with her ability to forgo her grief to give them an astute piece of advice. She recollected how her and Dan were sailing on the lake and visited a orphanage that housed both boys and girls (in separate rooms of course). They both made the realization that the boy's big dorm room was set up the exact same way as the girl's dorm, a bed and a locker for personal belongings, except the boy's lockers had locks on them and the girl's lockers did not. They found that the boys down here were more apt to steal and so locks were needed. Girls simply borrowed from among themselves and gave back when through. Nancy thought that this might be a good place to start change. By teaching the young boys about personal property and respect for each other would hopefully alleviate the current negative mindset.

I was amazed how she could pull this together in this time of grief. She was so matter of fact. People that have talked to her and visited her have said the same thing. They can't believe how strong Nancy is. We love you nancy!