Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday August 13th

Nancy had the tube removed from her chest and she is feeling quite well. She loves being free of the 'umbillical cord' and fluid collection box. She is on antibiotics and pain pills and is able to move around well.

We visited Dan's body today at the Funeral home. It was difficult to 'see' Dan without his beard (as mentioned earlier it was shaved off for the autopsy). It was obvious that he had moved on and taken his spirit and vibrance with him. We were met by friends that Dan and Nancy made while living in Rio Dulce at the Marinas and boarding rooms. They were very supportive and enjoyed the photos we brought of Dan from Alaska. Nancy led us in songs and prayers. Her memory of lyrics and tunes is quite extensive and I found myself enjoying the tenderness and love in her voice. Daniel, Jessica and Nancy recited songs from growing up as a family and from time spent in India with Meher Baba and his Love.
There were many touching songs but the simplest song sticks in my mind. 'Row,Row,Row your Boat. Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.' I have never laugh-cried before and that song got me.

Nancy clipped some hair from Dan's head (they hadn't shaved all his hair). We prayed and cried and enjoyed the company that was there to give us support. We all felt good that Dan had indeed moved on. We were quite sure of it.

Nancy brought us to the boat that had been brought back to the Marina by friends. We were not allowed to go on the boat because the police are still investigating it as a crime scene. We were greeted by all of their 'neighbors' in the harbor and we were told how this incident has affected everyone around. They were all very happy to see Nancy out of the hospital.

We are going to Guatemala City tomorrow for Dan's cremation and 'ceremony.' We will be met by Ale and Renee who just flew in from Mexico and Alaska, respectively. We hope to be back in Rio Dulce soon and to be allowed on the boat.

I now understand why Rio Dulce captured Dan and Nancy's hearts. This place is amazing. It is one of the most idyllic fresh water sailing ports in Central America. Guatemala is wonderful as well. I did not expect to find the beauty of this place so attracting. We do not feel anger towards Guatemala or it's people. We understand that everywhere you go you will find bad people. I hope people do not judge all Guatemalans by this one horrible deed. The people down here are some of the friendliest I have met in my travels.

The prayers and love from friends and family is showing down here. Nancy is recovering well and her strength is coming back. The posted blogs from friends on this site are a joy for us all to read. We really love all of you and we appreciate your support more than you would believe!
