Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We are with Nancy

Jessica, Daniel and I made it to Nancy's side today (Tuesday) at noon. It was an amazing experience to be with her again and for us all to share love with one another and love for Dan. Nancy is doing remarkebly well considering she has a drain tube stuck into her chest cavity draining foreign fluids from her lung area. The doctor pinched off the tube tonight at 8 p.m. to assess if the tube can be removed. If her lungs do well, she may have the tube removed from her side.

Dan Sr. has been embalmed and we will visit his body tomorrow with Nancy. Friends Rosie Fogarty and her sister Lisa, both from Guatemala, visited Dan today and brough back news that they had to shave Dan's beard for the autopsy. We all were a bit shocked and then had a good laugh because he has had his beard since Jessica was 4 years old. We were also told that he didn't quite fit into the coffin. It seems like Guatemalen coffins are a bit short. We were able to laugh about this as well. We thought Dan would be laughing too. He was always one to find humor in things.

We will bring his body to Guatemala City on Thursday to be cremated. Family cousin Ale Negrete and Daniel's partner Renee Howard will hopefully be arriving before the cremation.

The American Embassy has been really helpful for us in getting to Nancy's side. The local Guatemalan Gov't Tourist Agency Asistur has been exemplary in helping the family deal with this situation and by providing services for us. The people here are incredibly helpful and kind.

We are incredibly greatful to all of our family and friends that have sent out prayers, loving words and support. We can really feel your love down here. You are all amazing! We love all of you!

Love Us (Jessica, Daniel, Brian and Nancy!)