Thursday, January 22, 2009

Back in the Saddle???

Hello Family, Friends and Neighbors,

We are back in Guatemala.  We'll be working on the boat to fix it up for a sail outside of Rio Dulce.  We are unsure of our ultimate destination, but we will focus on having fun along the way.  Steve and June Jones, longtime friends of Dan and Nancy, will be teaching us how to sail the beautiful sailboat (let-alone fix 'er up).  Steve is with us right now and we are going through the boat - taking stock of all that makes this boat unique - and making lists of things to do before we put her back in the water.  Nancy, Jessica, Steve and myself (B) are coordinating painting the bottom of the boat with a crew from the local boatyard.  The hull needs a bit of work to make it top-stuff again.  We've been finding all the nuances of the electrical systems and will try and work them out so that they will work simply w/out surprises.  Dan spent the last day of his life down in the engine room working on the alternator that kept them from leaving a day earlier - I should probably toss that damn alternator in the river!!!

Daniel and June will be meeting us shortly and we'll cast off for the open water.  Perhaps we'll go towards Roatan - perhaps not.  The weather and our whims will guide us.  So far we have spent the last couple of days with our heads buried in boat chores.

Rosy and Bill Fogarhty from Sutton (now Lago Atitlan) met us at the Guat. airport and drove us all the way to Rio Dulce!  We enjoyed the ride in Bill's new truck and found ourselves in Dulce in record time.  Cops do not have radar down here.  Tee-Hee!

We're feeling a bit tired now and introspection does not come easy.  Hopefully we'll have some time to slow down and process.  The sun, chores and spanish language are draining my brain - and probably the beer, too.

We love you all and hope to write soon.

Love us.