Sunday, September 21, 2008


Sundays trip to Guatemala City was challenging. The police escort carried the luggage that couldn't fit into the assistur car that was transporting us. We were emptying the boat of Nancy and Dan 's personal gear. It was a slow trip back to Alaska with many tears - flying over the ground that the white van had traveled over with two passengers eager to explore new territory and cultures. Unfulfilled dreams were scattering like clouds - swirling and breaking up to allow new vistas to shine through. Dan and Nancy shared many months traveling these spaces - like honeymooners - alert to the new life and happy to be committed partners to each other and the projects ahead.

Dan, who objected to the intrusion of security checks at airports, had one final moment when the carry-on luggage with his ashes inside was stopped for inspection by the scanning machines. The box reflected an unusual substance and "security" wanted to see the contents. We could hear Dan's laugh as we attempted to explain. Cremation is atypical in Guatemala.

We are now secure in our Alaskan homes and are saturating ourselves in the love felt when we greet friends and read messages sent to the home address. The common theme that replays is how fortunate we are that our lives have intertwined with so many forward thinking, appreciative and healthy people. The loving support showered on us makes us glow and find energy to put things in balance.

A memorial service is planned for October 5th at The Red Beet, a restaurant/bakery in Palmer. It will be from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. with a pot-luck following a reflective ceremony.

Love Nancy (and family)

Incident details have been updated with Nancy's account of the night of the attack. Nancy was told that she could write down these details so that she could read them at her testimony to the Guatemalan Court System. During the hearing they did not let her read her notes.