Sunday, August 24, 2008

sailing like old pro's

The boat left it's slip yesterday and we set sail around lake Izabal. Brian (not Jess's brian) and Jay were our captains who graciously gave us expert guidance through the fine details of sailing. The jargon was overhwelming, but we managed to whirl around the lake with the wind, without capsizing or intentionally losing anyone overboard. we all scuttled around pulling on lines, watching the sails, feeling the air and learning a little about physics. Nancy's heart was pleased to see her children enjoying the sailing so much. There were tears and smiles, beers and hugs. It was a scene that Dan would have very much admired as well. We had a small taste of Dan and Nancy's dream to include the children as part of the projects, the learning and life on the sail boat. In some moments we were missing the guidance from Dan that we knew would be direct, gentle and precise. He was such an incredible teacher. I imagined him ecxtatic, exuding enthusiasm and support... watching his children as capable adults supporting and actualizing this dream. Im sure in some way he was there with all his enthusiasm, pulling the boat along through the lake with the gentle, supportive hand of the wind.

In honor of fun, we dove off the boat as it was moving through the water (very slowly, so it seemed, untill we were in the water beside the boat as it whooshed by). We would swim as fast as we could to catch the ladder on the stern and climb back onto the boat. It was refreshing to grab the dingy's tow rope and get dragged through the luke-warm lake water after a boiling hot day (lobster burns still abound...).

Today we'll set sail again for an overnight adventure with a freind, Jon-claude (yes...from France). We'll excercise our sailing skills and explore our relationship with this sticky, beautiful river a little more. Untill further updates....

The Crew