Dawn rose at 6:00 am and with it the first of our crew. All six of us found fans and places on the boat to sleep last night. Each day brings with it, different memories of Dan, and a new continuim of emotions to digest his unexpected death. Apart from the emotions are the tanglible chores and pleasures of the day. Today we scrubbed mold off canvas awnings to prepare the boat for storage. Necessary for any work or respite, is shade, Our white alaskan bodies begin to quickly turn lobster red in the direct sun. After chores, Nancy and Ale proceeded to the head of the public ministry where they met with a lawer who returned "most" of Nancy's possesions which were pilfered by the police upon investigation. Law enforcement here has been dissapointing in it's inability to clarify details, put together a tangible case, etc... The police didn't even let Nancy know which items they removed from the boat until she picked them up. While items were being sorted out, and information gathered at the public minstry office, Jessica, Brian, Daniel and Renee were contemplating chores...but more accurately, preparing to go water skiing (we have to have a little fun....). We slathered ourselves in sun-screen (White bodies still reflecting a blinding shield of light) and prepared to rock it old school. There was a few botched attempts at getting started, but over all the Alaskans had no problem putting their ski skills to the test. There was even one spectacular wobble-save-teeter-totter-save-it-oh-shit maneuver from Daniel. Captain Bob (the water ski enabler) is due some major kudos for dragging us off the boat to put a brighter spin on this place of contrasting intentions.
Nancy and Ale returned with some important posessions taken from the boat. We all had a good check in around the table at the cockpit, discussing options about what to do in the future and how we feel about being here. The stages of reflection and awareness are unravelling day by day. One moment it's laughter, the next it's grief or anger. Each of us is holding space for this grand unfolding of a new way of life....
Out of what seemed like no where, huge black clouds arose and expanded where a show of lightning and thunder ignited the sky. we walked to the top of a bridge and watched the beautiful darkness traveling over the landscape. When we'd filled ourselves with enough electricity, we returned to the boat where Nancy, Jess and Brian combined their culinary skills for an awesome meal. Now that our ties with Police and government officials is less pressing (at least for a few days) we are thinking of taking the boat out for a short sail, then winding things up here in preparation for departure. It's important to leave this place with the flavor of family, love and the kindness that exists beneath the harsh brutality and ignorance which surfaces in this place where drugs, corruption and poverty closely intermingle. More updates later...untill then;
Loves all around...
Nancy, Jess, Brian, Daniel, Renee and Ale